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Aleph within the Bet -
1st and 2nd Letter of the Aleph Bet
The Aleph is the beginning, it is One and the first letter and living being of the Hebrew Language. Through the Aleph came all of creation and it housed within the Bet, the very being of Yahweh, and it was all from LOVE, first love, one love, Echad Ahava.

Gimel and Friends - 3rd letter of the Aleph Bet
Gimel represents motion, the expansion and contraction of the infinite light. Gimel is the full supply, it is the Camel and a seed, or a bridge for the connecting force in nature.

Dalet - 4th letter of the Aleph Bet
Dalet is the Door, the framework for a new level or dimension that we haven't known. The Door is Yeshua, by the Blood, He is the way, the truth, and the life that gives us complete access to the Father, Adonai. Be sure to check the Mezuzah upon the door of your heart! It carries the name El Shaddai.

Heh - 5th letter of the Aleph Bet
The letter Heh is the breathe of Yahweh. It means to behold and as we engage with it, it frames our reality to become. The He is also a door for teshuva, for returning and redemption.

Vav - 6th letter of the Aleph Bet
The vav is the hook or rod that connects heaven to earth, it transforms the past into future and the future to past. All of creation is connected by the vav to the higher realms of Yahweh. The Lion and the Lamb both hold the past and the future and Yeshua is our eternal vav through the blood.

Zayin - 7th letter of the Aleph Bet
Zayin is designed in the form of a sword. The name Zayin means crown, and carries the seventh day rest, it is the powerful weapon of Shabbat. It also means to sustain, a Shabbat lifestyle will sustain us.

Chet - 8th letter of the Aleph Bet
Chet means life, it is a canopy or Chuppah of promise that we are hidden under an eternal covenant and the blood seals this marriage contract. The Chet is also the hidden place of refuge, those who abide in the shadow of El Shaddai are hidden, no harm will come to you.

Tet - 9th letter of the Aleph Bet
Tet is the hidden womb, it is a basket that carries the protection for something that needs to be revealed and seen in the perfect timing, it also means whole or complete, it is good and what is best.

Lamed - 12th letter of the Aleph Bet
Lamed means learn, and teach. Lamed is a flying tower high up beyond our understanding so we must follow Yeshua who is our shepherd and He leads us higher into His ways and wisdom and understanding to then be able to discern.

Mem is water.



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